Kamis, 18 Mei 2017


“The manuscript speech about the economy”
Praise and gratitude we pray toward the presence of god,for the blessing of grace and mercy we can gather together in a state of healthy. Lecturer that i respect and also to the friends that i love.
Ladies and gentlemen that i am proud of
Economic is a field that most developing countries around the world,the field number is one that can not be separated from human life. Without the economy of a country will not stand and will not develop because of the economy that can meet the needs of the country better it is for the people all or the government engaged as a place and tool the growth of the economy. Economy problem is a problem that there is in human life that is mutually binding.
In general there are two basic economic problems,that is the principal problem of cassical economics and basic economic problems of modern.
The problem of classical economics is the problem seen from the point of view of simple. Basically the goal is only one namely the prosperity of the how to solve this problem is by doing whatever is considered necessary so that prosperity can be achieved. As for the economic problems of the classic classifed into three kins, namely the problems of production, distribution, consumtion.
Furtermore that is the principal problem of the modern economy. Problem of the modern economy is a problem that aries at present where a lot happens in the economic system of any because economic problem are universal and mutual relation to one another. These problems include scarcity and choice.
Ladies and gentlemen
The sciene thati can tell. Hopefully this is all helpful to us all. Proviously i say thank you for your attention and please sorry if any words wrong a less pleasing in the liver because perfection belongs only to god.


Sabtu, 29 April 2017


My future business


A friend of this time I make plans effort in the field, culinary the Potato Crispy.

In a marketing a variety of culinary, personally I make the effort is because my liking consume processed potatoes. Then I decided to make a potato processed meats pose a more of inofating and healthy also high quality. With made of the potato and the complementary natural others to be ideal the delicious and delicious. Therefore I made a potato processed different the Potato Crispy. Because in addition to the price is affordable Potato Crispy nutritious and also dish fast that can be in received by all the good of children and adults. The main target I sell on the culinary enthusiasts the students and children, due to the target of that I can easily know the information on the market. After doing sales a asked to consumers to criticize  and give advice on the product me, therefore I improve the quality of and level of the to quench consumers. In addition I will promote a product me directly with the using social networking.

A friend maybe that’s just a plan effort that I made, if there is lack of in the planning of the effort that a made, can give feedback  friends to me.
Thank you


Minggu, 09 April 2017

Ask an Expert

A friend of this time I interviewed a young intreprereneur Silvia named sister. These afforts are the perfume at jln.Sungai Raya Dalam in give name of ADELIA PERFUME.
Here my question to the entrepreneur and the answer from my question.
Here I use 5W+1H

1.      When you started this business?
My effort this has been at the start since 21 mei 2016.
2.      What is the reason you choose to establish a this?
The reason, im interested in the business perfume my brother. I learn how to mix a variety of perfume, good using alcohol and who did not use the alcohol. Because should not be arbitrary levels of alcohol with perfume must fit. After I much to learn from the brother I decided to open the effort perfume myself, in addition I also like a collection of perfume. And how management her finances, also how we deal with customers, all of that we have to learn beforehand.
3.      Who started the idea to build a this?
Start the idea of this business brother of my own, because earlier business has been  established by my brother. Therefore this shop in give the name of ADELIA PERFUME, because in take away from the name of the brother I named Ade and his san named Lia, so both the name on one right to be ADELIA, and I use as the name of the shop I.
4.      Why you chose this business and not to choose a else?
As for me this business is more relaxed in compare the effort to others, and we also interact with customers more can and quickly, we are more know customer desires as the scent of perfume they want. Because every person must different exert in choosing  perfume they loved. Then I should be able to handle customer complaints properly.
5.      Where you attempt this, is there somewhere other than here?
For now my effort is there in four places, the firs store or the headquarters in Mempawah, store to two and to the three his in the direction of the airport Supadio, and that in Sungai Raya Dalam this store which is to the four.
6.      How the results or the earnings of your business, whether always achieve the results desired?
If the problem results or earnings to some store that I had already exceeded the results of monthly I wanted, but for stores that to four here sometimes the monthly has not yet reached the desired results in. Because the stores here are also still relatively new and still looking for customers.

Thank you for the opportunity give to interview you, this is very usefull for me.

And be a motivation for all of us, keep learning and trying toget what we want can be achieved, amien!!!!

Kamis, 30 Maret 2017

How to Give a Speech

How to Give a Speech It's time to overcome what people fear more than death is public speaking. This article will help you through this stressful event. See Step 1 :

Part One of Three:
preparing Speeches

1. Choose your speech. Your speech should be summarized in a sentence. It is your speech that really boils down to: what would you start with and what would you conclude. It's simple and people can understand it. And it will be easier for you, too!

3. Do not dwell on negative thoughts. Ask yourself, what's the worst that could happen? People will perceive you look odd because they do not give a speech according to the "expectation" of them. No more than that. Think what you will get, overcoming the fear of public speaking. • Who are they? Age? • How much do they know about your topic? This will determine the amount of complicated language you can use (hint: if they do not know much, do not need to use it). • Why do they exist? Taught something? Because they have to? Because they really interested? • How long have they been there?

 4. Research your subject. If your subject is you, congratulations! You probably already know you like the back of your hand (or arm or leg). But if not, be examined. Pros and cons! If people can poke holes in your argument, it's not a very effective speech. • Have at least three points to support the message • Only complicate the audience as much as you can tolerate. Stay away from jargon and technical terms if it will leave your audience scratching their heads and feel out of place

5. Use stories, humor and metaphor. A speech full of dull, statistics can make the audience bored. Instead, opt for a story - it is easier to follow structure-- and make them live with things like metaphor and antithesis. • Self-deprecating humor (making fun of myself) have a place. Again, this comes down to knowing your audience and your speech format. A man best speech? Absolutely right. Overcoming the president of your company about the location of the budget? Probably not. • The antithesis is about using the opposite

6. Use flashy adjectives, verbs and adverbs. More about being alive! Take the phrase "bad fishing industry" and change it to "practice fishing industry is terrible." Even something as simple as "We can solve the problem," to "We can quickly solve the problem" is more memorable. your audience may not remember exactly what you said, but they will remember the emotions you are called in themselves. • Think active, too. "When we had the manpower, we can force change," is much more powerful when it turned around - "We can force change when we have a workforce" Make them sit in their seats, you know?

7. So no hemming and "hawwing", no apology, no "I wonder ...," no "Thank you," only to brass tacks. Do not talk about painting - get right in there and start creating images for them. They are there for your speech, not how you feel about it or how you are feeling right now.

8. You must have a clear introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction and conclusion should both short and to the point, the conclusion becomes a repetition of the intro. And the body? Well, that's everything else. Part Two of Three: practicing Speech 1 Write down your main points. Now you have all you want to say, write down your main points. Part of what you're not sure of yourself on? • Get to the point where you feel comfortable giving the speech.

Part Two of Three:
Practicing Speech

1.    Write down your main points. Now you have all you want to say, write down your main points. Part of what you're not sure of yourself on? • Get to the point where you feel comfortable giving the speech. help you get used to someone looking at you while you're talking. public speaking can
2.     Memorize. Okay, so this is not super necessary, but certainly a good idea. If you know by heart, you can make eye contact with the audience. Do not stress if you do not have enough time - but if you do, take advantage of it. • This does not mean that you should go there unarmed. If your mind is empty, you can look around and go to the place where you need to. Send it to someone. This is a great idea for a few reasons: • Communicate to someone very scary, so it had an audience of practice will help calm your nerves. • Do they really pay attention. At the end of your speech, ask them what questions arise in their minds. Is there a hole in your argument? Or do something to confuse them?
3.    Practice in front of a mirror and in the bathroom. Really, you have to practice wherever you can. But these two places will be very useful: • Practice in front of a mirror so you can see your body language. what movement work where? How do you feel about the break and what you do for them? • Practice in the bathroom because it's probably one you can think of going beyond that. Is your mind a blank on each section?
and leaning on the podium. It's best to stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart, and use your hand as naturally as possible. • your speech convey some emotion, right? (The correct answer: Yes.) Take a moment and move with them. You use your hands at all times to express emotion. You still communicate
4.    At that time you might have some idea of ​​how long your speech. You are given a specific time slot or you are given a length requirements for speech. Try to get it comfortably above the minimum and maximum comfortable under - that way if you do not intentionally speed up or slow down.

Third Part Three:
Delivering Speech

1.    Think about your posture and body language. Stand like you have a fig leaf over your crotch is not the way to give a captivating speech. Nor should you go the opposite way with people, only on a larger scale. Although the scale is different, the motion remains the same.

2.     if you can use props.

3.    Know when and how to use the picture. A PowerPoint can be a great addition to speech (for certain topics, at least). Make sure you use it to your advantage! You want them to listen to you, not blown away by the pretty pictures. • Use graphs to illustrate your point, especially if they are difficult to understand.The images can be more memorable than factoid just told, regardless of how important it may be. • Do not face the picture when you're talking!

4.    Select the people in your audience, do not scan. Many people are under the impression scanning is ideal audience - and if it makes you nervous, just sort of scanning the back wall.

5.    Vary your tone. In general, you should speak with a calm, level to understand and speak clearly. But to keep your audience awake and to keep your speech is dynamic, diverse it. Part you feel passionate about the need to clearly stressed! Talking loudly and with gusto! Pound your fist if you need And then there are parts that would feel more like a lullaby. And even the parts that require a pause to let the emotions set in ... AND THEN BACK UP ramped. This is much more effective orally than on text. • Show emotions in your tone. Do not be afraid to laugh a little or show a bit of sadness or frustration.

6.    Do not forget about the break! Think about the phrase, "dihydrogen monoxide killed 50 million people last year. 50 million. Let that sink in." Now think about the sentence with a pause after each period. Got a little more serious, is not it? • Take your speech and actually write on pause if it will help you.

7.    Conclude by restating your message and say "Thank you." You've been through speeches, no one has died, and it is time for your conclusions. Focus your eyes with the audience, thanking them, smile, and get off the stage. • Take a deep breath. You do it. The next time you will give a speech about how to give a speech. What are you so nervous in the first place?

Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

Reading and Focabulary Focus

Paragraf 1 :
v  Satisfy = Memuaskan
v  Consumtion = Konsumsi
v  Satisfaction = Kepuasan
v  Resources = Sumber daya
Paragraf 2 :
v  Employed = Memperkerjakan
v  Engage = Mengikutsertakan
v  Theoretical = Teoritis
v  Analyze = Menganalisa
v  Analyst  = Analitikus
Paragraf 3 :
v  Forecast = Ramalan
v  Tax = Pajak
v  Revenues = Pendapatan
v  Particular =  Teliti
v  Firms = Perusahaan
v  French = Francis
Paragraf 4 :
v  Paychecks = Gaji
v  Risks = Risiko
v  Risk taking = Pengambilan Risiko
v  Initiative = Inisiatif
v  Percentage = Persentasi
v  Measured = Diukur
Paragraf 5 :
v  Regarded = Dianggap
v  Rather = Lebih
v  Opt = Memilih
v  Tycoons =  Konglomerat

Vocabulary Focus
Exercise 1.
1.     Check
2.     Monitor
3.     Monitor
4.     Control
5.     Control

Exercise 2.
1.     Paragraph 1 line 6. Costs = B) Expenses, Outlay
2.     Paragraph 3 line 2. Monitor = G) Place of work
3.     Paragraph 4 line 5. Flair = D) Skill, Talent, Inclination
4.     Paragraph 4 line 3. Entrepreneur = E) Employed
5.     Paragraph 3 line 1. Forecast = H) Prediction
6.     Paragraph 2 line 4. Provide = A) Supply, Equip, Outfit
7.     Paragraph 2 line 1. Job-Setting  = C) Control, Manage
8.     Liable ( Noting on Paragraph ) = F) Responsible

Exercise 3.
1.     Flair means having the qualities that are needed to succeed as an entrepreneur.
2.     An entrepreneurial is a person who sets up business and business deals.
3.     A tycoon is a person who is successful in business and so has become rich and powerful. 
4.     The industry will have to pass its increased words for reference on to the consumer. 
5.     The management will provide accommodation, food and drink for thirty people.  
6.     He has always been liable for his children. 
7.     The benefits or fringe benefits of the job include a car and free health insurance. 
8.     He won’t Self- employed as an economist until next year. 
9.     An individual hopingto start up a new company needs to have entrepreneurial quality or talent. 
10.  Unfortunately forecasts of higher profits did not come true. 
11.  Economists are concerned with the production, distribution and comsumtion

Paragraf 1 :
v  Satisfy = Memuaskan
v  Consumtion = Konsumsi
v  Satisfaction = Kepuasan
v  Resources = Sumber daya
Paragraf 2 :

v  Employed = Memperkerjakan
v  Engage = Mengikutsertakan
v  Theoretical = Teoritis
v  Analyze = Menganalisa
v  Analyst  = Analitikus
Paragraf 3 :

v  Forecast = Ramalan
v  Tax = Pajak
v  Revenues = Pendapatan
v  Particular =  Teliti
v  Firms = Perusahaan
v  French = Francis
Paragraf 4 :

v  Paychecks = Gaji
v  Risks = Risiko
v  Risk taking = Pengambilan Risiko
v  Initiative = Inisiatif
v  Percentage = Persentasi
v  Measured = Diukur
Paragraf 5 :

v  Regarded = Dianggap
v  Rather = Lebih
v  Opt = Memilih
v  Tycoons =  Konglomerat

Vocabulary Focus
Exercise 1.
1.     Check
2.     Monitor
3.     Monitor
4.     Control
5.     Control
Exercise 2.

1.     Paragraph 1 line 6. Costs = B) Expenses, Outlay
2.     Paragraph 3 line 2. Monitor = G) Place of work
3.     Paragraph 4 line 5. Flair = D) Skill, Talent, Inclination
4.     Paragraph 4 line 3. Entrepreneur = E) Employed
5.     Paragraph 3 line 1. Forecast = H) Prediction
6.     Paragraph 2 line 4. Provide = A) Supply, Equip, Outfit
7.     Paragraph 2 line 1. Job-Setting  = C) Control, Manage
8.     Liable ( Noting on Paragraph ) = F) Responsible
Exercise 3.

1.     Flair means having the qualities that are needed to succeed as an entrepreneur.
2.     An entrepreneurial is a person who sets up business and business deals.
3.     tycoon is a person who is successful in business and so has become rich and powerful. 
4.     The industry will have to pass its increased words for reference on to the consumer. 
5.     The management will provide accommodation, food and drink for thirty people.  
6.     He has always been liable for his children. 
7.     The benefits or fringe benefits of the job include a car and free health insurance. 
8.     He won’t Self- employed as an economist until next year. 
9.     An individual hopingto start up a new company needs to have entrepreneurial quality or talent. 
10.  Unfortunately forecasts of higher profits did not come true. 
11.  Economists are concerned with the production, distribution and comsumtion